Use Socket Library To Get Mac Address

2021. 1. 14. 15:23카테고리 없음

Latest version

Want you want to do (use sockets with MAC addresses) is not possible. Communication using Socket programming does not go down that far in the OSI model. The device MUST have some other addressing scheme on it (be it TCP/IP, IPX, or whatever) because a MAC address can not be used by any application level communication library. I recently wrote two articles on how to get your IP address in C and how to get your IP address in C# respectively. I found that people commented wondering how to get their MAC address, so I decided that it might be wise to follow up with an in depth discussion of the issue at hand. OSI 7 Layer Model. As you may know there are 7 layers in the OSI(Open Systems Interconnection) model. Jul 12, 2014  How to use the WIZ Ethernet library and evaluate existing Ethernet example. All other steps are the same as the steps from the Arduino Ethernet Shield. You can find examples in the Arduino IDE, go to Files-Examples-Ethernet, open any example, then copy it to your sketch file (grsketch.cpp) and change configuration values properly.


Get MAC addresses of remote hosts and local interfaces

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Project description

Pure-Python package to get the MAC address of network interfaces and hosts on the local network.

It provides a platform-independent interface to get the MAC addresses of:

If your Mac isn't compatible with OS X El Capitan, the installer will let you know. Your Mac also needs at least 2GB of memory and 8.8GB of.introduced in 2009 or later, plus MacBook (13-inch, Aluminium, Late 2008)introduced in late 2008 or laterintroduced in mid 2007 or laterintroduced in early 2009 or laterintroduced in mid 2007 or laterintroduced in early 2008 or laterXserve models introduced in early 2009To find your Mac model, memory, storage space and macOS version, choose About This Mac from the Apple menu . How to make library visible mac el capitan download. You can upgrade to OS X El Capitan from on any of the following Mac models.

  • System network interfaces (by interface name)
  • Remote hosts on the local network (by IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname)

It provides one function: get_mac_address()

Should you use this package?

If you only need the addresses of network interfaces, have a limited setof platforms to support, and are able to handle C-extension modules, thenyou should instead check out the excellent netifacespackage by Alastair Houghton. It is significantly faster, well-maintained,and has been around much longer than this has. Another great option thatfits these requirements is the well-known and battle-hardenedpsutil package by Giampaolo Rodola.

If the only system you need to run on is Linux, you can run as root,and C-extensions modules are fine, then you should instead check out thearpreq package by Sebastian Schrader.It can be significantly faster, especially in the case of hosts thatdon't exist (at least currently).

If you want to use psutil, scapy, or netifaces, I have examples of how to doso in a GitHub Gist.


Stable release from PyPI

Latest development version

Python examples

Terminal examples

Use Socket Library To Get Mac Address Free

Python 2 users: use getmac2 or python -m getmac instead of getmac.

Function: get_mac_address()

  • interface: Name of a network interface on the system
  • ip: IPv4 address of a remote host
  • ip6: IPv6 address of a remote host
  • hostname: Hostname of a remote host
  • network_request: If an network request should be made to updateand populate the ARP/NDP table of remote hosts used to lookup MACsin most circumstances. Disable this if you want to just use what'salready in the table, or if you have requirements to prevent networktraffic. The network request is a empty UDP packet sent to a highport, 55555 by default. This can be changed by setting getmac.PORTto the desired integer value. Additionally, on Windows, this willsend a UDP packet to to attempt to determine the default interface.


  • logging.getLogger('getmac'): Runtime messages and errors are recorded to the getmac logger using the loggingmodule. They can be configured by using logging.basicConfig() or adding handlers to the getmac logger.
  • getmac.getmac.DEBUG: integer value that controls debugging output. The higher the value, the more output you get.
  • getmac.getmac.PORT: UDP port used to populate the ARP/NDP table(see the documentation of the network_request argument in get_mac_address() for details)


  • Pure-Python (no compiled C-extensions required!)
  • Python 2.7 and 3.4+
  • Lightweight, with no dependencies and a small package size
  • Can be dropped into a project as a standalone .py file
  • Supports most interpreters: CPython, pypy, pypy3, IronPython 2.7, and Jython 2.7
  • Provides a simple command line tool (when installed as a package)
  • MIT licensed!

Legacy Python versions

If you are running a old Python (2.6/3.3 and older) or interpreter, then youcan install an older version of getmac that supported that version.The wheels are available in theGitHub releases, orfrom PyPI with a current version of pip and some special arguments.

  • Python 2.5: get-mac 0.5.0
  • Python 2.6: getmac 0.6.0
  • Python 3.2: get-mac 0.3.0
  • Python 3.3: get-mac 0.3.0

NOTE: these versions do not have many of the performance improvements,platform support, and bug fixes that came with later releases.They generally work, just not as well. However, if you're using suchan old Python, you probably don't care about all that :)


  • If none of the arguments are selected, the defaultnetwork interface for the system will be used.
  • 'Remote hosts' refer to hosts in your local layer 2 network, alsocommonly referred to as a 'broadcast domain', 'LAN', or 'VLAN'. As faras I know, there is not a reliable method to get a MAC address for aremote host external to the LAN. If you know any methods otherwise, pleaseopen a GitHub issue or shoot me an email, I'd love to be wrong about this.
  • The first four arguments are mutually exclusive. network_requestdoes not have any functionality when the interface argument isspecified, and can be safely set if using in a script.
  • The physical transport is assumed to be Ethernet (802.3). Others, such asWi-Fi (802.11), are currently not tested or considered. I plan toaddress this in the future, and am definitely open to pull requestsor issues related to this, including error reports.
  • Exceptions will be handled silently and returned as a None.If you run into problems, you can set DEBUG to true and get moreinformation about what's happening. If you're still having issues,please create an issue on GitHub and include the output with DEBUG enabled.

Commands and techniques by platform

  • Windows
    • Commands: getmac.exe, ipconfig.exe, arp.exe, wmic.exe
    • Libraries: uuid, ctypes, socket
  • Linux/Unix
    • Commands: arp, ip, ifconfig, netstat, ip link, lanscan
    • Libraries: uuid, fcntl, socket
    • Files: /sys/class/net/{iface}/address, /proc/net/arp
    • Default interfaces: /proc/net/route, route, ip route list
  • Mac OSX (Darwin)
    • networksetup
    • Same commands as Linux
  • WSL
    • Windows commands are used for remote hosts
    • Unix commands are used for interfaces
  • OpenBSD
    • Commands: ifconfig, arp
    • Default interfaces: route
  • FreeBSD
    • Commands: ifconfig, arp
    • Default interfaces: netstat

Platforms currently supported

All or almost all features should work on 'supported' platforms.While other versions of the same family or distro may work, theyare untested and may have bugs or missing features.

  • Windows
    • Desktop: 7, 8, 8.1, 10
    • Server: TBD
    • Partially supported (untested): 2000, XP, Vista
  • Linux distros
    • CentOS/RHEL 6+ (Only with Python 2.7+)
    • Ubuntu 16.04+ (15.10 and older should work, but are untested)
    • Fedora (24+)
  • Mac OSX (Darwin)
    • The latest two versions probably (TBD)
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
  • FreeBSD (11+)
  • OpenBSD
  • Docker



  • Depending on the platform, there could be a performance detriment,due to heavy usage of regular expressions.
  • Platform test coverage is imperfect. If you're having issues,then you might be using a platform I haven't been able to test.Keep calm, open a GitHub issue, and I'd be more than happy to help.

Known Issues

  • Linux, WSL: Getting the mac of a local interface IP does not currently work(getmac -4 will fail if is the IP address of a local interface).This issue may be present on other POSIX systems as well.
  • Hostnames for IPv6 devices are not yet supported.
  • Windows: the 'default' (used when no arguments set or specified)of selecting the default route interface only works effectivelyif network_request is enabled. If not, Ethernet is used as the default.
  • IPv6 support is good but lags behind IPv4 in some placesand isn't as well-tested across the supported platform set.

Background and history

The Python standard library has a robust set of networking functionality,such as urllib, ipaddress, ftplib, telnetlib, ssl, and more.Imagine my surprise, then, when I discovered there was not a way to get aseemingly simple piece of information: a MAC address. This package was bornout of a need to get the MAC address of hosts on the network withoutneeding admin permissions, and a cross-platform way get the addressesof local interfaces.

In Fall 2018 the package name changed to getmac from get-mac. Thisaffected the package name, the CLI script, and some of the documentation.There were no changes to the core library code. While both package nameswill updated on PyPI, the use of getmac is preferred.


Contributors are more than welcome!See the contribution guide to get started,and checkout the todo list for a full list of tasks and bugs.

Before submitting a PR, please make sure you've completed thepull request checklist!

The Python Discord server is a good placeto ask questions or discuss the project (Handle: @KnownError).


  • Christopher Goes (@ghostofgoes) - Author and maintainer
  • Calvin Tran (@cyberhobbes) - Windows interface detection improvements
  • Izra Faturrahman (@Frizz925) - Unit tests using the platform samples
  • Jose Gonzalez (@Komish) - Docker container and Docker testing
  • @fortunate-man - Awesome usage videos
  • @martmists - legacy Python compatibility improvements
  • @hargoniX - scripts and specfiles for RPM packaging
  • Ville Skyttä (@scop) - arping lookup support


Many of the methods used to acquire an address and the core logic frameworkare attributed to the CPython project's UUID implementation.

Other notable sources


MIT. Feel free to copy, modify, and use to your heart's content. Enjoy :)

NOTE: if any changes significantly impact your project or use case,please open an issue on GitHubor send me an email (see git commit author info for address).


  • TBD

0.8.2 (12/07/2019)

Announcement: Python 2 compatibility will be dropped in getmac 1.0.0, which will be finished sometime in 2020. If you are stuck on Python 2, consider loosely pinning the version in your dependencies list, e.g. getmac<1. I will continue to fix reported bugs and accept patches for the last release before 1.0.0, however active development will cease and new features will not be backported.


  • Added warning about Python 2 compatibility being dropped in 1.0.0
  • Officially support Python 3.8
  • Documented a known issue with looking up IP of a local interface on Linux/WSL (See the 'Known Issues' section in the README)
  • Added remote host lookup using arping as last resort


  • Standardized formatting on Black
  • Lint additions: vulture, several Flake8 plugins
  • Pinned test dependencies (pytest 5 dropped Python 2 support)
  • Various quality-of-life improvements for contributors/developers

0.8.1 (05/14/2019)


  • Fixed sockets being opened and not closed when ip or ip6 were used,which could lead to a ResourceWarning (GH-42)

0.8.0 (04/09/2019)


  • OpenBSD support
  • FreeBSD support
  • Python logging is now used instead of print (logger: getmac)
  • Include tests in the source distribution
  • (CLI) Added aliases for --no-network-requests: -N and --no-net
  • (CLI) New argument: -v/--verbose


  • Errors are now logged instead of raising a RuntimeWarning
  • Improved Ubuntu support
  • Performance improvements


  • Significant increase in overall test coverage
  • Fixed and migrated the sample tests to pytest
  • Added tests for the CLI

0.7.0 (01/27/2019)


  • Type annotations (PEP 484)


  • Dropped support for Python 2.6
  • Removed the usage of third-party packages (netifaces, psutil, scapy, and arpreq).This should improve the performance of lookups of non-existent interfacesor hosts, since this feature was punishing that path without providing much value.If you want to use these packages directly, I have a guide on how to do so on aGitHub Gist.


  • Significantly improved the performance of the common cases on Linuxfor interfaces and remote hosts
  • Improved POSIX interface performance. Commands specific to OSXwill be run only on that platform, and vice-versa.
  • Significantly improved the speed and accuracy of determiningthe default interface on Linux
  • Python 2 will install an executor named getmac2 and Python 3 anexecutor named getmac so they do not conflict when both RPMs areinstalled on the same system (Credit: @hargoniX)
  • The warnings module will only be imported if a error/warningoccurs (improve compatibility with some freezers, notably PyInstaller)
  • Improved system platform detection
  • Various other minor performance improvements


  • Added unit tests for the samples (Credit: @Frizz925)
  • Scripts for building RPMs in the /scripts directory (Credit: @hargoniX)
  • Improved code quality and health checks
  • Include the CHANGELOG on the PyPI project page
  • Using pytest for all tests now instead of unittest


  • Added instructions on how to build a Debian package (Credit: @kofrezo)

0.6.0 (10/06/2018)


  • Windows default interface detection if network_request is enabled (Credit: @cyberhobbes)
  • Docker container (Credit: @Komish)


  • Changed project name to getmac. This applies to thecommand line tool, GitHub, and the documentation.
  • Use proper Python 2-compatible print functions (Credit: @martmists)


  • Support for Python 2.5. It is not feasible to test, and potentiallybreaks some useful language features, such as __future__
  • Variables PORT and DEBUG from top-level package imports, since changingthem would have no actual effect on execution. Instead, use getmac.getmac.DEBUG.


  • Added example videos demonstrating usage (Credit: @fortunate-man)
  • Added contribution guide
  • Added documentation on ReadTheDocs
  • Added a manpage

0.5.0 (09/24/2018)


  • Full support for Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). This is working forall features, including default interface selection! The only edge caseis lookup of remote host IP addresses that are actually local interfaceswill not resolve to a MAC (which should be ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff).


  • Require argparse if Python version is 2.6 or older


  • Updated tox tests: added Jython and IronPython, removed 2.6

0.4.0 (09/21/2018)


  • New methods for remote host MACs
    • Windows: arp
    • POSIX: arpreq package
  • New methods for interface MACs
    • Windows: wmic nic
  • DEBUG levels: DEBUG value is now an integer, and increasing it willincrease the amount and verbosity of output. On the CLI, it can beconfigured by increasing the amount of characters for the debug argument,e.g. '-dd' for DEBUG level 2.
  • Jython support (Note: on Windows Jython currently only works with interfaces)
  • IronPython support


  • Significant performance improvement for remote hosts. Previously,the average for get_mac_address(ip='') was 1.71 seconds.Now, the average is 12.7 miliseconds, with the special case of a unpopulatedarp table being only slightly higher. This was brought about by changes inhow the arp table is populated. The original method was to use thehost's ping command to send an ICMP packet to the host. This took time,which heavily delayed the ability to actually get an address. The solutionis to instead simply send a empty UDP packet to a high port. The portthis packet is sent to can be configured using the module variable getmac.PORT.
  • 'Fixed' resolution of localhost/ by hardcoding the response.This should resolve a lot of problematic edge cases. I'm ok with thisfor now since I don't know of a case when it isn't all zeroes.
  • Greatly increased the reliability of getting host and interface MACs on Windows
  • Improved debugging output
  • Tightened up the size of
  • Various minor stability and performance improvements
  • Add LICENSE to PyPI package


  • Support for Python 3.2 and 3.3. The total downloads from PyPI withthose versions in August was ~53k and ~407K, respectfully. The majorityof those are likely from automated testing (e.g. TravisCI) and notactual users. Therefore, I've decided to drop support to simplifydevelopment, especially since before 3.4 the 3.x series was stillvery much a 'work in progress'.


  • Added automated tests for Windows using Appveyor
  • Tox runner for tests
  • Added page
  • Improved TravisCI testing

0.3.0 (08/30/2018)


  • Attempt to use Python modules if they're installed. This is usefulfor larger projects that already have them installed as dependencies,as they provide a more reliable means of getting information.
    • psutil: Interface MACs on all platforms
    • scapy: Interface MACs and Remote MACs on all platforms
    • netifaces: Interface MACs on Non-Windows platforms
  • New methods for remote MACs
    • POSIX: ip neighbor show, Abuse of uuid._arp_getnode()
  • New methods for Interface MACs
    • POSIX: lanscan -ai (HP-UX)


  • Certain critical failures that should never happen will now warninstead of failing silently.
  • Added a sanity check to the ip6 argument (IPv6 addresses)
  • Improved performance in some areas
  • Improved debugging output


  • Major Bugfix: search of proc/net/arp would return shorter addresses in thesame subnet if they came earlier in the sequence. Example: a search for192.168.16.2 on Linux would instead return the MAC address of192.168.16.254 with no errors or warning whatsoever.
  • Significantly improved default interface detection. Defaultinterfaces are now properly detected on Linux and most otherPOSIX platforms with ip or route commands available, or thenetifaces Python module.


  • Makefile
  • Vagrantfile to spin up testing VMs for various platforms using Vagrant
  • Added more samples of command output on platforms (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)

0.2.4 (08/26/2018)


  • Fixed identification of remote host on OSX
  • Resolved hangs and noticeable lag that occurred when 'network_request'was True (the default)

0.2.3 (08/07/2018)


  • Remote host for Python 3 on Windows



  • Short versions of CLI arguments (e.g. '-i' for '--interface')


  • Improved usage of 'ping' across platforms and IP versions
  • Various minor tweaks for performance
  • Improved Windows detection


  • Use of ping command with hostname


  • Improvements to internal code


Nothing changed. PyPI just won't let me push changes without a new version.

0.2.0 (04/15/2018)


  • Checks for default interface on Linux systems
  • New methods of hunting for addresses on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux


  • CLI will output nothing if it failed, instead of 'None'
  • CLI will return with 1 on failure, 0 on success
  • No CLI arguments now implies the default host network interface
  • Added an argumnent for debugging: --debug
  • Removed -d option from --no-network-requests


  • Interfaces on Windows and Linux (including Bash for Windows)
  • Many bugs


  • Support for Python 2.6 on the CLI


  • Overhaul of internals

0.1.0 (04/15/2018):

Use Socket Library To Get Mac Address Of Ps4


  • Addition of a terminal command: get-mac
  • Ability to run as a module from the command line: python -m getmac


  • arp_request argument was renamed to network_request
  • Updated docstring
  • Slight reduction in the size of


  • Overhauled the README
  • Moved tests into their own folder
  • Added Python 3.7 to list of supported snakes

0.0.4 (11/12/2017):

  • Python 2.6 compatibility

0.0.3 (11/11/2017):

  • Fixed some addresses returning without colons
  • Added more rigorous checks on addresses before returning them

0.0.2 (11/11/2017):

  • Remove print statements and other debugging output

0.0.1 (10/23/2017):

  • Initial pre-alpha

Release historyRelease notifications
















Mac library autosave information delete tool. If there is any errormessage, please provide the screenshot of it.c. If it’s turned off, can we know what happens when you try to turn on AutoSave feature?


Download files

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Files for get-mac, version 0.8.2
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size get_mac-0.8.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (24.3 kB) File type Wheel Python version py2.py3 Upload dateHashes
Filename, size get-mac-0.8.2.tar.gz (47.7 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

Mac Socket Sets

Hashes for get_mac-0.8.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Hashes for get_mac-0.8.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl
AlgorithmHash digest

Hashes for get-mac-0.8.2.tar.gz

Hashes for get-mac-0.8.2.tar.gz
AlgorithmHash digest